Welcome to the club chat area
Explore the chat forum and connect with others.
The "At the Wall" and "Down the Pub" categories are publicly viewable but you'll need to create an account on the website to participate.

Boring Chat Forum Stuff
Chat Participation
Logged in site members are invited to reply to posts in the "At the Wall" and "Down the Pub" categories to facilitate meeting us for the first time. Other chat forum categories will be inaccessible and/or hidden until you are a fully joined member of the club.
Membership and Badges
Official ACC members (paid up members and affiliated to BMC) will have the badge "ACC BMC Member" next to their name in forums and groups. That way you know you're talking to a real member of the club. If you are interested in joining the club please use our contact form and the membership secretary will be in touch.
We recommend making your community profile public otherwise your posts will be anonymous, even to site members. When signing up to the website, by leaving the "sign up to this site with a public profile" box unchecked, your profile will be hidden from both the public and registered site members making it difficult to participate. You can change this later and share certain fields like your community display name.
In all cases, site visitors who have not registered with the website will not see members' display names. Any chat forum posts by existing site members will be displayed as anonymous until the visitor has created an account to participate in the chat forum. Once a visitor has created a website account then they will be able to see profile information which other members have made public to the forum such as a profile image and a display name.