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Feb 2024 - Llanberis, Snowdonia

The Club’s weekend at the MMC Hut near Llanberis, Snowdonia on 16-18 February 2024 was memorable, but not for any climbing, scrambling or hill-walking.

Persistent rain and high wind put paid to any ambitious plans, with low-level walks and coastal path exploration the order of the day. Wet weather gear was thoroughly tested, and found wanting, in some cases. And less time on the hills meant more time to enjoy sitting around, drinking beer and other beverages, and chatting about politics, sex, religion, particle physics, Schrodinger’s cat, and other topics about which most of us knew little but were happy to express a forceful opinion.

Our late-night conversations were periodically plunged into darkness when anyone attempted to turn on the kitchen light (the interminable rain seemed to have penetrated the hut’s wiring so that turning on any kitchen light caused everything else to trip-out).

We had not previously stayed at the MMC hut, which is perched on a hillside in a lovely location overlooking Llanberis and the lake, with the hills beyond. We knew to expect a 150m walk from the road to the hut. We were less prepared for the approach road itself which is very narrow, very steep and has very solid stone walls on either side. And hardly any passing-places, as we found on Saturday morning when two of our vehicles descended the hill in convoy and met a car coming the other way. This enabled Paul Turton to make a spirited bid for the Baden-Powell “Be Prepared” Award at the Club’s next Christmas dinner by digging a tow-rope from the depths of his boot and towing the oncoming vehicle out of the ditch its panic-stricken driver had reversed into.

Not one of the more typical club weekends, but no less enjoyable for all that.

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Participation Statement

Climbing, hill walking, scrambling and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement.

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