What can I expect on my first meet?
You will be asked if you want to drive yourself or share a car and we will do our best to match up people who live near each other or specify a wish to travel together. The idea is to use as few cars as possible to reduce the cost. Petrol money is worked out by the driver and split by however many people are in each car… so don't forget to take some cash to cover your share if necessary. Most members travel on the Friday evening, leaving sometime between 6 and 8pm, and returning on Sunday evening.
What to Take
Over and above all your normal climbing and/or walking kit you’ll need a sleeping bag, pillow (some huts have their own), towel and wash bag plus whatever food you’ll need for the whole weekend.
There is rarely the opportunity to shop, so you’ll need food for breakfast and packed lunches for two days, plus something for dinner on the Saturday evening if you want to eat at the hut. Many huts are within walking distance of a pub and most members will eat out, while some prefer to cook for themselves at the hut. Ask when you’re booking and we will let you know what’s on offer depending on where the hut is located.
Most members also sit around having a drink and chat until quite late on the Friday evening and on the Saturday evening after getting back from the pub so, if you want to do the same you might also want to bring some beer or whatever you like to drink. If you are planning on going out to the pub, make sure you have cash with you because the huts are rarely near a cash-point.
If you wish to climb and don’t have any gear of your own, make this known to us when you book in and we’ll see what we can do. However, it is important to understand that the Club does not provide training or equipment and it is up to the goodwill of members to assist beginners. Any equipment, assistance or advice received from Club members is given on an informal basis and at your own risk.